Friday, July 24, 2009

LEGO Spider-Man the Series: The End Script

LEGO Spider-Man the Series: The End
Written By Grant Watson
Footage from the previous episodes appear, and they all show Spider-Man in the Black Suit. Suddenly, Eddie Brock appears, and the screen turns black/white. The scene where Spider-Man reveals Eddie made fake pictures appears, and Eddie looks angrily at Spider-Man and Jameson. The church scene shows up, and Eddie points the gun at Peter. Peter rips the Suit off of him, and it falls on Eddie. Eddie begins to scream, and the screen goes black.
Jean DeWolffe is speaking with a bunch of other officers. She looks at Stan Carter, her partner.
Jean: With Spider-Man cleared of all wrong-doing in the death of Captain George Stacy, we’ll need to assemble a squad that will search for the true killer at large; the Green Goblin.
Officer: But, isn’t the Green Goblin, like, some type of Super Villain?
Jean nods her head.
Jean: Yes, he is. Which is why we need the finest officers in this group. And, we’ll need some help from Spider-Man himself. The only problem is, he isn’t exactly in the Yellow Pages…
Stan: Can’t Spidey just stop the Goblin himself? I mean, what if the Goblin gets one of us too?
Jean: He won’t, and we’ll make sure of that. Another problem though, is that we won’t be able to find the Goblin that easily either, as he hasn’t been seen this whole week, ever since the bridge-incident.
Stan: Whatever… I just don’t want anybody to end up like George. The man was like a father to me, and he was taken… just like that! But, I guess if we ever ARE going to stop the Goblin, we’ll need Spider-Man. So, let’s go find him.
Jean: Glad you understand.
Peter walks Gwen to class again.
VO Peter: It feels so great to finally be out of that Suit. Even if it did give me stronger powers, I have all the power I need, in my friends… like Gwen. My break-up with Mary Jane actually didn’t hit me as bad as I thought it would have. In fact, it’s almost like I don’t care. Ever since the other day, I actually realized something; I’m in love with Gwen Stacy, like I realized it the moment Mary Jane said we couldn’t be together. And I mean, Gwen might not feel the same way about me, or know the stuff Mary Jane knows about me, but she DOES know me. But not Spider-Man/Me. I mean, Peter Parker/Me. Now I’m just confusing myself…
Gwen: I wonder what’s up with Dr. Connors…
Peter: What do you mean?
VO Peter: I know what she means…
Gwen: I don’t know… he- he just doesn’t seem like Dr. Connors anymore. He’s always so angry, and it’s like he isn’t as passionate about his work like he used to be.
VO Peter: Could it be because of the Lizard? Or the fact that I did nothing to stop the press from leaking the fact that he was the Lizard? I guess I can add Dr. C to the list of people I’ve officially let-down…
Peter: I guess I know what you mean… he has been acting strange lately.
Gwen: But what’s really weird… well, you know how the news said Dr. Connors was actually some humanoid-reptile thing?
Peter: Yea?
Gwen: Well, why wouldn’t anybody try to stop him, or why hasn’t he been fired?
VO Peter: That is weird… but what’s even weirder, was that I didn’t think about that before! Maybe having a Symbiote attached to you does that…
Peter: I have no idea Gwen… I guess they realized it wasn’t his fault…
Finally, the two reach the door, and they walk inside. Inside with Dr. Connors, is Kraven the Hunter.
VO Peter: Kraven?! What the hell’s he doing here?!
Gwen sits down, and Peter sits in the corner, like he always does. Peter stares at Kraven for a moment, and then Dr. Connors. Suddenly, the bell rings.
Dr. Connors: Alright class, make sure your seated. Today, we have a very special visitor; Sergei Kravinoff! He’s known for his amazing hunting skills in Africa…
VO Peter: No doubt, killing illegal game.
Dr. Connors: And is called, “Kraven the Hunter” in his country of Russia.
Kraven: Yes, thank you Dr…
Kraven hesitates for only a moment.
Kraven: Connors. I actually came to New York City to hunt one of the most exotic game of all;
VO Peter: Spider-Man, I’m guessing?
Kraven: A creature known only as the Lizard. The news says this creature is actually your teacher here; but I know otherwise; I’ve smelled the creature’s scent, and it’s nothing like your teacher’s. You all have nothing to fear from Dr. Connors at all. You couldn’t be safer.
VO Peter: Yea right! Some great hunter! And, what does he mean he’s smelled his scent?
Suddenly, Peter remembers Kraven throwing him across the classroom with one punch.
VO Peter: That’s right, he must have some super- wait, wait just a second…
Peter also remembers that Kraven shot the Lizard.
VO Peter: Kraven should definitely know that Dr. Connors is the Lizard! Why is he lying like this?!
Dr. Connors: Class, Sergei will be popping into the classroom periodically this week, and with him, he’ll bring many exotic creatures he’s come across.
Kraven: At least what’s left of them!
Dr. Connors: *laughs* Well, it was nice having you today Sergei, and I hope this introduction will show you all that Mr. Kravinof knows what he’s talking about!
Kraven: Thank you for having me Dr. Connors, and I’ll see you all soon!
Kraven walks out the door.
Jameson speaks with Robbie outside of his office.
Robbie: Well Jonah, the retraction isn’t making as much money as the original copy, but at least it gets the truth out.
Jameson: And to make everything worse, I had to get the truth told to me by Spider-Man! Which reminds me; call Parker, we have some matters that need discussed. And, put him back on the payroll.
Robbie: Yes, Mr. Jameson.
Peter and Gwen walk through the hallway of Peter’s apartment building. They come to Peter’s door, and he opens it. They step inside.
Gwen: I haven’t been here in a few weeks! That was before…
VO Peter: Why does she always insist on bringing it up? It’s because she wants to talk about it, moron. She wants your support… maybe she does like you, you’re just too selfish to notice.
Peter: Do you want to talk about it?
Gwen sits down on Peter’s bed.
Gwen: It’s just… I miss him so much Peter! He was the only part of my family left!
Peter: I cared about him too, Gwen…
Gwen: You knew him that well?
VO Peter: Tell her, Peter. It will make everything so much easier! Just tell her!
Peter: Uh, yea… I mean, we hung out a lot. While I was on Bugle assignments.
VO Peter: How’s that telling her, Pete?
Gwen: Oh… but what makes this all so much easier, is that I know I can talk to you about it.
Peter: It’s no problem… I just want to make you feel better. I know what you’re going through… I lost my father too.
VO Peter: Ben Parker.
Peter: And, it’s hard to get over it.
VO Peter: Tell her, now.
Peter: Gwen, can tell you something really important?
Gwen: Yes, why?
Peter: Well… Gwen… I’m not like all of the other guys you see at school, or wherever.
Gwen: I know Peter. You’re like the only guy that isn’t just interested in a girl’s looks. You actually seem to like girl’s for who they are. Like Mary Jane. I hate to have to bring her up after what you just went through, but-
Gwen: Haha! Come on Peter, what do you really want to tell me?
Peter: No Gwen, I’m being serious… I’m Spider-Man.
Gwen sits still for a moment.
Gwen: Wait a minute… Peter, you’re not joking, are you?
Peter shakes his head.
Peter: It’s the truth. And, I thought since we were such good friends, that I could tell you that. I care about you Gwen, and I want you to know, that I will never abandon you if something like this happens.
Peter sits on the bed with Gwen.
Peter: Gwen… I REALLY care about you.
Gwen: You, do?
Peter: Yes. The only thing I look forward to from school is you. I mean sure, Dr. Connors makes Science seem cool, but it’s not the same.
Peter stands up.
Peter: I mean, I never really wanted to tell you… because, believe me, I’ve had a lot of girl problems before and everything, but-
Gwen stands up, and kisses Peter.
Peter: Wow… uh, thanks.
Gwen: Thanks for telling me the truth, Peter. I think I always knew you were hiding something, but I had no idea it could’ve been that!
Peter: So, you can deal with it? We can be together?
Gwen: Why couldn’t we? Just, promise me you won’t get hurt… please. I wouldn’t be able to deal with it…
Peter: I can’t promise that Gwen… and unfortunately, I can’t even promise that you won’t get hurt. I was stupid to ask you that. We can’t be together. Mary Jane almost got killed because of this, and-
Gwen: Peter, it’s alright. I know you won’t let me get hurt… and besides, you said ALMOST… nothing happened to her, and nothing will happen because of you.
VO Peter: I don’t know… was this a smart move Parker?
Kingpin has a large table set out. Sitting at it are Kingpin, Mysterio, Shocker, Doc Ock, Norman Osborn, and Harry.
Fisk: Alright, men; the Sinister Six is almost assembled. With Norman out of the hospital, we can prepare our final search for the last member. Shocker has already informed me that it may be awhile, as he’s already searched this whole city, and no other villain wants a part in this. With the apparent deaths of the Rhino and Scorpion, we have no other potential members. There is an international terrorist that is rumored to be somewhere in the city, but it’s impossible to find out where he’s located.
Doc Ock: Why can’t we just be the Fearsome Five or something? We already know Spider-Man’s true identity thanks to Osborn, so we can just perform a sneak attack on him!
Harry: What I don’t understand Fisk, is why can’t you just be our sixth member?
Norman: Because, Harry, Fisk has no super-powers, do you Fisk?
Fisk: No, I don’t. But, I don’t have the strength of a normal man either. In fact, I was larger than a normal man not too long ago.
Mysterio: Haha, I remember that!
Everybody falls silent.
Mysterio: Sorry…
Norman: If my son and I didn’t want Parker as dead as we want right now, then we wouldn’t be working with the rest of you. But, we will profit greatly from his death.
Fisk: We all will! With the death of Spider-Man! There will only be very few in our way… one of those people being Nick Fury.
Norman: Ah… I hate that name so much. Luckily, he wasn’t able to stop me from recreating the Super-Soldier serum first created by Dr. Josef Reinstein 67 years ago. But, because of me, Peter Parker gained his powers… and not only from the serum, but from my own spider!
Doc Ock: Enough with this rambling! We need to discuss true matters! Like, where will this all go down?
Fisk: Well, first, using young Osborn’s vast knowledge of this Peter Parker, we’ll construct a plan. We’re not going to kidnap anybody, that will just increase his anger, and we may end up like Flint Marko did.
Norman: I have scars from my last kidnapping attempt. If it wasn’t for my son, I surely would have died…
Mysterio: We need to concentrate on finding our final member!
Fisk: We will, Mysterio. We will…
Eddie steps into his apartment room. He walks over to his broken phone.
Eddie: Remind us to get a new phone.
VO Symbiote: We will.
Eddie walks over to his table and, sits down.
Eddie: So, we now know everything about Parker? We can attack him when we want?
VO Symbiote: Yes, we can! It will be fun, and bring us enjoyment!
Eddie: Good… we can already feel happiness at the thought of his death! Parker humiliated me, and when we reveal his true identity to the people of New York City, we’ll kill him; right in front of them all! We already know who to go after to lure him out into the open! But we’ll wait. We’ll torture him before we truly attack; weaken him slowly, and then, we’ll bring him out into the open.
VO Symbiote: We love the way you think, Eddie! Together, we’ll be unstoppable! What Parker could have had, will be yours!
Eddie: And we will use that power to destroy all who oppose us! Nothing can stop us!
VO Symbiote: Nothing can stop, Venom!
Peter walks into Jameson’s office.
Peter: You wanted me, Mr. Jameson?
Jameson: Uh, yes. Parker… I’m sorry about getting rid of you. Spider-Man; he, uh, stopped by the other day, and told us all the truth. You had pictures the whole time… you just didn’t want the pictures you had to get out. It’s a hard thing, to lose a somebody you cared for… and knowing your background, you’ve had to face that more than a few times. I feel the same thing; with both my wife and son gone, I have nobody to care for.
Peter: I had no idea, Mr. Jameson. I’m sorry…
Jameson: There’s nothing to be sorry about, Parker. You got your job back… I just want to see some pictures from now on.
Peter: You got it, Mr. Jameson!
Jameson: Good. The next time a Super Villain comes to town, I want exclusive pictures, you got that?
Peter: Yes, Mr. Jameson! I’ll get on that right now!
Jameson: I said when a Super Villain comes to town!
Peter: I know!
VO Peter: The city’s crawling with them!
Jameson: Well, do you see some big bad guy in town right now?
Peter: Uh, Mr. Jameson, it seems like there’s a “big bad guy in town” all the time.
Jameson: I guess you’re right… well, then go get me some photos, and please, make them look good!
Peter quickly runs out the door, and shouts behind him.
Peter: You got it JJ!
Jameson looks out his door.
Jameson: Ungrateful punk… I never hear a thank you from that kid.
Peter walks into his apartment room.
VO Peter: Well, today’s been great! I don’t have that life eating, or whatever, Symbiote to deal with, I got my job back at the Daily Bugle, and best of all, Brock is no longer there! I hope the guy didn’t get hurt to bad by that though… I mean, sure, it was REALLY, and EXTREMELY messed up for him to lie like that, but I can understand why he did it. He needed money… even if he did do something really bad to get it.
Peter looks behind him.
VO Peter: That’s funny; I thought I turned the lights out after I left…
Peter turns back around, and looks at his closet. Somebody in his torn up Spider-Man suit walks out.
Spidey-Fraud: Hey Petey!
Peter: What the-?
VO Peter: That’s my old suit! I threw it out the day after I got the Symbiote!
Peter: What are you doing in here? Who are you?
Spidey-Fraud: Maybe if we took off our mask…
VO Peter: Our? Why does that sound so familiar?
The Spidey-Fraud removes their mask, and it’s Eddie.
Peter: Brock! Why are you here? How’d you even get in here?!
Brock: How’d we get in here? We know where you keep the spare key, Parker… and why are we here? We’re here, simply, to-
The Black Suit slithers over Brock, and he becomes Venom.
Venom: KILL YOU!
Venom dives at Peter, and knocks him against the wall.
Peter: AH!
Peter punches Venom in the face, and Venom recoils.
VO Peter: Kinda reminds me of that fight I had with Osborn not too long ago…
Peter is right in front of his window.
Venom: That’s the old Parker Luck, huh Spidey?
Peter: As many questions as I have right now Brock, like how you got that Suit in the first place, number one right now, is why I would be having bad luck right now?
Venom: Turn around…
As soon as Peter turns around, Venom dives at Peter, and the two crash through the window, and head for the street below.
Peter and Venom crash into the street below. No civilians happen to be there at the time.
Peter: Look Brock! We can settle this somewhere else! Preferably when I’m in my costume!
Venom: No can do, Parker! We want to watch you die! You’ve taken a few lives before, so now, we’ll take yours!
Venom does a back flip, and shoots webs at Peter, sticking him to the sidewalk.
VO Peter: Great, I can’t move now!
Venom: Perhaps you’re right… we can sense you’re holding back. We’ll leave you alone, but the next time we see Spider-Man, we’re going to attack!
Venom jumps away, and immediately disappears from Peter’s view.
VO Peter: Great! Brock somehow got hold of the Symbiote, it’s telling him everything about me that it experienced while I had it, or that I’d thought about during the time it was on me, and now, I’m stuck in this stupid web!
Peter jerks up really fast, and rips the webbing off.
VO Peter: And worst of all, I doubt I can just go back to that church, and get the Symbiote off of him…
Nick Fury is speaking on his phone.
Nick: Yes. *pause* Eddie Brock did you say? *pause* What’s Parker doing right now? *pause* He’s not even gonna go after it? *pause* Well Sharon, I want you to go and talk to Parker for me, alright? Tell him that we’ll help him out if he needs us. *pause* Okay, just make sure he understands that we won’t just jump in, and that we’ll only help if the situation looks absolutely terrible. At least that’s the only legal way of doing it. *pause* Thanks, bye.
Fury hangs up.
VO Nick: Parker better know what he’s up against…
The camera pans out to show Iron Man and Wolverine inside the room with Fury.
Wolverine: Hey, Fury, when the hell is this meeting gonna get started, huh bub?
Iron Man: Nick, I really have other plans right now, so if we could just wrap this up as soon as possible, that'd be great.
Suddenly, Captain America walks into Fury’s office.
Captain America: Hello, Colonel Fury. I got your message. You wanted to talk to me about something?
Nick: Rogers! Nice you could stop by… and yes, I have something very important to tell you! I have something important to tell ALL of you... has S.H.I.E.L.D. told you anything about, Operation: Avengers?
Venom climbs in through his window. The Symbiote slithers away, and reveals Eddie. Eddie sits down, and looks at where his TV had been.
VO Eddie: We need to buy another one…
Eddie then pulls out his cell phone.
VO Eddie: We would use our other phone, but… it’s gone too.
His father’s voice comes back into his head.
VO Eddie: Damn you father…
Eddie dials in a number, and somebody picks up.
Jameson: Hello?
Eddie: Hey JJ. Remember us?
Jameson: Is this Eddie Brock?
Eddie: The guy you fired? Yea, it’s us… we just wanted to know if you could meet us somewhere. We have a little information that may interest you.
Jameson: I don’t think I want to know what it is Brock. And why are you talking weird?
Eddie: We’re not. Listen, it will make everything worthwhile. Just take a cab to the old George Washington Bridge.
VO Symbiote: No, no! Somewhere more secluded Brock! That’s the same place that got us fired!
Eddie: Nevermind, scratch that. Just, meet us at…
Eddie looks down at a newspaper on his desk. The headline reads, “FISK TO ANNOUNCE BIG CHANGES TO HIS COMPANY BIOTECH”.
VO Eddie: BioTech… we remember you telling us something about BioTech.
VO Symbiote: Yes. Parker thought about a fight he had there with the being known as Mac Gargan on the bridge before he murdered him.
Eddie: Here; meet us at BioTech. We have many photos that you may want to see. They are not Spider-Man-related. In fact, they show something much better.
Jameson: Fine, I’ll do this Brock. But you listen here; if this is just another waste of my time, don’t ever bother calling me again.
Eddie: These photos will not waste your time. Thank you Mr. Jameson. Just get there as soon as you can. Bye.
Eddie hangs up.
VO Eddie: Perfect! Not only do we not have photos, but the old man will be killed by the very thing he’s fueled with hatred. How stupid of him not to ask why we couldn’t meet him at the Bugle! We may not have Spider-Man yet, but now we’ll have J. Jonah Jameson!
The villains are still discussing their plans.
Norman: Now that we have everything settled almost, I want to ask you something Fisk; who did you give my office too? You never really told me, and frankly, I want to know.
Fisk: It doesn’t matter whom I’m renting your old office out to now Osborn. Besides, when you were working at BioTech, the only thing you ever did was create the Scorpion.
Norman: That wasn’t my fault! Before I received my amnesia, I set the coordinates for the machine you used on Flint Marko, and I specifically told Gargan not to mess with any of its components. It’s not my fault the idiot got his face melted off, and that suit stuck to him.
Doc Ock: Yes, and then the miscreant broke into my lab and stole on of my second version prototype smart-arms. Had he realized what that thing was capable of doing, he could have easily become a threat to us all.
Fisk: Listen Osborn, all I can say is I’m renting that room out to somebody that doesn’t want to be named. In fact, he’s paying me money to create some meta-human lackeys for him. Rhino and Marko were merely the first of my self-created Super Villains.
Shocker: Which reminds me; I heard on the news that Rob’s suit was found washed up on the shore, along with Gargan’s helmet.
Mysterio: Which either means they’re alive and got the help they needed, or they were killed.
Doc Ock: The Rhino was found on shore? I was told that the George Washington Bridge came down on him.
Shocker: He must’ve gotten away. My friend isn’t as stupid as you think Octavius, he can hold his own. That bridge probably did nothing to him.
Harry: Excuse me, but shouldn’t we really be concentrating on our final member?
Norman: My son’s right, Fisk. Why can’t we just use that guy you’re renting the office out to? I just want to get rid of Parker already!
Fisk: Patience Osborn. Soon, you’ll get what you’re after. We’re not attacking until we have six-men. I want Spider-Man dead, and attacking with only five-men increases his chances of winning.
Harry: If we’re attacking him all at once, what does it-
Fisk: Osborn, you’re son asks too many questions. Please, teach the boy not to-
Norman: You shut up about my son, Fisk; he’s just asking.
Fisk: Excuse me young Osborn. I apologize. It matters, because each and every one of you has lost against him before. Waiting for this other member will raise the chance of victory.
Harry: Whatever. I still don’t see what one other guy will do.
A cab pulls up to the curb, and Jameson steps out of it. The cab takes off, and Jameson walks up to Eddie.
Eddie: We were beginning to think you weren’t going to show up.
Jameson: Believe me Brock, I almost didn’t come. But, if you say you have something that will be big, I want to see it.
Eddie: Of course. We want to know something first; do you have room for two more people in the obituaries?
Jameson: Huh, that has nothing to do with this! I want to see those photos!
Eddie: Haha! We have no photos! We called you here because-
Eddie transforms into Venom.
Venom: We’re going to tear you to pieces!
Jameson is paralyzed, and only stares at Venom.
Venom: What’s the matter Jameson? You look frightened! How about we make sure you’re never struck by fear again!
Jameson falls over, unconscious.
Peter is watching the news. Ned Leeds appears on the screen.
Ned: The race has come down to only two candidates; Jennifer Waters, and Wilson Fisk. The outcome of the upcoming election will decide the replacement of previous New York City mayor Steve Akers. Hold on; this just in! Sightings of a strange, black creature have been reported in the Financial District of Manhattan. Witnesses say the creature was seen at the industrious BioTech with a hostage; Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson. Although we have no footage or photos of the creature, witnesses describe the being as a Spider-Man doppelganger, showing many traits of the Wall-Crawler.
VO Peter: Great, Brock again! Alright, got to go to BioTech! Jonah’s counting on me! Well, maybe not Spider-Man, but he’s counting on help, and I’m going to help him! It’s a good thing I finished my new replacement costume! Hear I come Jameson!
Jameson wakes up inside of a room with Venom standing over him.
Jameson: AHHH!
Venom: Calm down Jameson. We’re merely using you as bait. We’re not going to kill you until he arrives.
Jameson: Please, please don’t kill me! I have a wife and kids!
Venom: You disgust us Jameson. We know your wife and only son are dead. And soon, you’re going to die too, and join them!
Jameson: Please, let me go! I’ll give you whatever you want!
Venom: Too bad! You should have shown us kindness when we made those pictures. Instead of firing us, you could have penalized us! We know you’ve accepted fake pictures before! We’ve done our homework! You think men behind masks are scum, but you’re the real scum.
The Symbiote slides back to reveal Eddie’s face.
Eddie: And we’re going to see to it that you pay for it all!
The Symbiote slides back over his face.
Police vehicles pull-up everywhere. Jean DeWolffe and Stan Carter step out of a one of the vehicles.
Jean: Alright Stan; you and me are going to go around back, and try to sneak up on the guy inside. If he spots us and threatens to hurt or kill Jameson, open fire on him. From what I heard, he’ not armed though, so we probably won’t have to do that…
She looks to the other officers (there’s three others).
Jean: And you three-
Officer John: Yea, Jean?
Jean: Go ahead and go through the front; if you run into trouble, just contact me through your walkie-talkies. Stan and I will come and help you as fast as we can.
Officer John: You got it. Let’s go fellas!
The three officers run in through the front door. Suddenly, Spider-Man swings over Jean and Stan, and he lands in front of them.
Spider-Man: Did I make it in time?
Jean: Ah, Spider-Man. Good thing you swung by. J. Jonah-
Spider-Man: I know, I know the situation. What are you’re men doing?
Jean: I just sent three of our boys through the front door.
Spider-Man: I don’t know if that was a good idea. The thing holding Jameson hostage could easily-
Jean: We know the situation.
Spider-Man: Mocking me now? Well, where are you guys headed?
Stan: Through the back, Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: Maybe you all should have done that…
Stan: By the way, I’m Stan, Stan Carter. It’s nice to meet you Spidey!
Spider-Man: I guess it’s good to have an officer like me for a change.
Jean: I’m Captain Jean DeWolffe.
Spider-Man: Oh… George’s replacement.
Jean: How do you-
Spider-Man: Wait, what are we doing? We’ve wasted enough time! I’ll follow you guys through the back!
The three officers have their guns ready. They walk down a hallway.
Officer John: Alright, moving to the next room…
Officer Paul: Where the hell is this guy?
Officer John: I have no idea… hey, Barnes, you haven’t been talking much.
Officer Barnes: I know… I’m just afraid we aren’t gonna make it. I got three kids back at home, you know?
Officer John: We all have family, Barnes. We put our lives on the line every time we do this. Let’s go.
The step through the next door they see. John enters the room first, followed by Paul. Barnes stays outside.
Officer Barnes: I’ll guard from out here. You guys see if Jameson’s in there.
Officer John: Alright. Paul, on me.
Officer Paul: You got it sir.
John and Paul step further into the room, when they spot Jameson in the corner, tied up. His mouth is covered.
Jameson: MMMMMMMMMM, MMMMMMMMMM! (It’s a trap!)
Officer John: Jameson! It’s alright, we’re gonna help you.
John pulls out his walkie-talkie. He clicks it on, and there’s a moment of static.
Officer John: Jean?
Jean on Walkie-Talkie: Yea, John?
Officer John: We’ve found the hostage. No sign of the suspect though. We’ll extract the hostage now. Keep a look-out for the suspect.
Jean on Walkie-Talkie: Alright.
Suddenly (completely out of nowhere), Venom stands up behind John.
Venom: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR! (Don’t say ROAR, just make a type of roaring sound)
John: Holy shit! Jean, we need-
John on Walkie-Talkie: Jean, we need-
Suddenly, John cuts out.
Jean: Oh my God…
Venom quickly smashes John’s walkie-talkie.
Venom: Hello, officer.
John: God, help me, I need you now.
Venom: HAHA! You’re not dealing with God, you’re dealing with Venom!
Venom grabs John’s head, and snaps his neck by twisting his head around. He drops John’s body.
Paul: JOHN!
Paul continues shooting Venom. The gunshots make loud noises, and the Symbiote wretches around Eddie.
VO Symbiote: The noise! We can’t take it!
Paul continues to fire, and then suddenly there’s a CLICK, and he looks at his gun. He looks back up at Venom, and drops the gun. He starts backing up.
Venom stands still, and just stares at Paul. He then shoots a web at Paul, sticking him to the wall behind him.
Venom: Shhhhhhhhh… nobody can save you now! And if you keep moving around, that’s gonna be one hell of a *tangled web*.
Barnes ducks around a corner, and hides. Suddenly, he hears footsteps, and looks up. Jean, Stan, and Spidey are walking towards him.
Jean: What happened?
Barnes: That- that… thing! Monster! Killed John! Trapped Paul!
Suddenly, Barnes passes out.
Spider-Man: Oh God, hurry!
Venom looks into Paul’s eyes.
Venom: Give us one good reason why we shouldn’t tear your eyeballs out of their sockets, and rip your body to shreds!
Paul doesn’t answer. He looks right back at Venom.
Paul: You’ll never win. You’re such a terrible bastard! God won’t let you live!
Venom: Haha, we’ll see about that-
Venom gets ready to kill Paul, when a webline catches his hand.
Venom: ROAR!
Venom looks over, and sees Jean, Stan, and Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: Leave him alone Brock!
Venom: Ah! Hello, Eterpay, Arkerpay, haha…
Venom rips the webbing off of him.
Jean looks over, and spots Jameson.
Jean: Let Jameson go, or we’ll open fire.
Venom: Looks like you’ll have to open fire, because I’m not given that son of a bitch up!
Spider-Man: Jean, Stan, don’t shoot. As sick as that thing is, it’s still part human.
Venom: Not anymore Spidey! There’s no more Eddie Brock, and no more Symbiote! There’s now only, VENOM!
Venom dives at Spider-Man, knocking him to the floor.
Spider-Man: Jeez- Venom. Ugh-
He struggles to get Venom off of him.
Spider-Man: You’re breath, is terrible! I would offer you a tic tac, but I don’t think that would help at all!
Venom: We almost laughed at that!
Spider-Man succeeds in throwing Venom off of him. Venom almost hits a wall.
Venom: That was close!
Spider-Man: I know- but close only counts in grenade throwing and horseshoes, right?
Spidey shoots another web at Venom, but this time, it’s so strong that it sends Venom flying through the wall behind him.
Venom: ARGH!! Lucky shot Pa- we mean Spider-Man!
Spider-Man: Hey Brock, watch what you say, alright? There are people that don’t know my real name present.
Spider-Man webswings through the new hole created by Venom, and swing-kicks him in the face, throwing him into another wall behind him. Spider-Man clings above Venom, and Venom pulls him down.
Venom: Enough screwing around! We’re gonna do this, and we’re gonna do it right!
Venom grabs Spider-Man’s head, and slams him into the ground again. This time, Spidey doesn’t move.
Spider-Man: Ow… God, that stings… look Venom, Eddie or Symbiote… you can’t do this… let Jameson go, and don’t hurt the others. It’s me you want. Remember, I’m the one that got you-FIRED!
VO Spider-Man: That should really get him mad at me…
Venom: Grrrrrr…… FINE! You guys-
Venom points at Jean and Stan.
Venom: Take Jameson, and get the hell out of here. If you wait outside for us, we’ll kill you all!
Jean and Stan grab Jameson, and leave the room.
Spider-Man: Alright Brock… now listen… why are you doing this, I can get you help!
Venom: No! You can’t help me!
VO Spider-Man: Did he just say me?
Venom: I’ve been treated like scum everywhere! My father… oh, my father is the worst man I’ve ever known. He always tried to hurt me… he called me names, and, I hated him! He murdered my mother, the only person that ever cared for me- and nobody believed me! Then, you got me fired! But, that was all before I found the Symbiote. It takes care of me; it’s just like my mother! It loves me… I can feel its love… it feels just like my mother’s love…
The Symbiote slithers from his face, and Eddie looks around.
Eddie: I only wish she was here. I would do anything for her…
Spider-Man: Then, why can’t you use your powers for good? You hate your father, so why would you want to be like him?!
The Symbiote slithers back over his face, and his tone changes from sad, and confused, to evil, and chaotic once more.
Venom: Haha… we like being bad… it makes us happy!
Venom looks at Spider-Man, but then swings away and out of the room.
VO Spider-Man: What?! I thought he said he was going to kill me? And, I can’t believe it… his father… he’s such a terrible man! He’s starting to act like how he said his father was too… I have to get Eddie help. I know he can be good, I just know he can!
Peter once again steps into his room. He walks over to his phone, and sees he has a message.
VO Peter: A message? Probably Venom trying to screw with me…
Peter clicks a button.
Voice Mail: One new message- all message, playback… BEEP!
Gwen on Voice Mail: Hey Pete, it’s Gwen. I just wanted to tell you that my uncle got everything worked out for my father’s funeral. It’s going to be held on Sunday, at 2:00 P.M. at St. John’s Cemetery.
VO Peter: That’s right… George’s funeral, I forgot all about it! Show’s how great of a friend I was to him…
Gwen on Voice Mail: Well… I’ll see you there, bye.
Voice Mail: BEEP! End of final message.
Peter lays down on his bed.
VO Peter: It’s been a long night, and there’s still stuff to do… I shouldn’t have told Gwen… I really shouldn’t have. It’s just gonna end up like the relationship me and MJ had. There’s no way I can hold onto Gwen when I’m Spider-Man as well… I gotta call Fury. I just can’t take Venom alone. I have to get his help… no, Fury can’t help. Plus, he probably has something better to do. I’ll work it all out tomorrow… tomorrow’s when I’ll get everything straight… then all I have to do is stop every other criminal scum in the city… that should be fun…
Suddenly, Peter falls asleep.
Eddie comes back in through his window.
VO Symbiote: We still don’t understand why we left Parker when we could have easily kill him…
VO Eddie: We have other ways of attacking. We shall figure this all out in a few days. We shall attack then… tomorrow is Parker’s day of rest. Then, we’ll kill him… then we’ll kill him…
When the screen fades back in, Peter is looking at his suit, wondering what he should do.
Peter is sitting in class, listening to Dr. Connors speaking. The camera cuts to the Sinister Six speaking with each other. Then, Venom is seen at the bell, looking majestically at it, possibly thinking about his alignment, and religious things. J. Jonah Jameson is in his office putting together a headline: SPIDER-DOPPLEGANGER’S IDENTITY DISCOVERED! Robbie takes the paper, and walks out of the office. Officers are listening to Jean about what they should do.
This time when the screen fades back in, there’s a caption; SUNDAY, 1:57 P.M. The scene is St. John’s Cemetery. Peter stands with Gwen, watching the scene unfold.
VO Peter: I never thought I’d go through this again. With my line of work, I’d always thought I’d go before anybody I knew; I was wrong. George William Stacy, born 1954, is now gone. He was one of the few cops I could trust; one of the few people I could trust! Then, in the blink of an eye, he was murdered, and it’s all because of me. The Goblin’s vendetta against me took him somewhere I never thought I’d see him ago; him actually capable of killing somebody was a sight I’d never thought I’d see; but it happened. Harry, my best friend, let it happen. Now I sit here, in a strong relationship with his daughter, and I can only hope, I’m not letting him down; I tell everybody that man was like a best friend to me, when that’s not the truth; the man was like a father to me… just like Uncle Ben.
Two men carrying a casket, go down a path with it. The casket is put inside a hole in the ground, and Gwen watches, crying. She puts her head in Peter’s shoulder.
Pastor: George Stacy was a good man; he lived a good life, and in death, he’s been rewarded. He watches over us now, thankful for the kindness we showed him during his lifetime. He raised a beautiful daughter, who he always thought the world of. He would always tell me that she was the perfect child, and he couldn’t ask for a better one. Although he’s left this state, we can still feel his presence, in-
Suddenly, one of the mourners speaks up.
Eddie/Mourner: Yea, yea, we get it, George was a great guy… we didn’t even know him, and we bet he was. But it’s good men like him that should be killed. We can’t have good people in this world, because truly, nobody is good. We’re all bad, in our own little ways. Some people, like us, show their wickedness is obvious ways…
Eddie then transforms into Venom. Many people scream.
Venom: Others like-
He shoots out a web-line, yanking Peter over to him.
Venom: -this man, hide it cleverly.
Instead of standing in fear, many of the mourners run away; all except for Gwen.
Venom: We got you know, Parker! Hopefully you didn’t think we’d forgotten about you!
Peter: It’s been a day Brock! Why would I have forgotten about-
Gwen: Eddie, put him down!
Venom: No Gwen, we won’t!
VO Peter: How do they know each other? Oh great, I think I know how…
Peter: Gwen, please don’t tell me you dated this guy!
Venom: Haha, oh we did Parker, and then she left us! Thought we couldn’t provide enough for the two of us. Well Gwendolyn, now you got little Petey here, who’s gonna be risking his neck everyday, tangling with guys like us! Isn’t that right, Spidey?
Peter: She already knows Brock; I trusted her enough to tell her the truth about me. So no use trying to help out.
Venom: Oh, our bad Parker.
Venom smashed Peter into the ground.
Venom: Hopefully we can help out with your early demise!
Venom throws Peter, and he grinds into the ground.
VO Peter: Gotta get Gwen out of here! No telling how Venom’s gonna kill her…
Peter quickly stands up.
Peter: This is just between you, and me Brock!
Venom: Haha, you wish!
Venom shoots a web-line out at Gwen, and yanks her to him.
Gwen: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Venom: You’ll know what it feels like Parker, to lose somebody you loved!
Peter: If the suit’s telling you anything, you should know I’ve been through that, more than one person should!
Venom: Yet, you still don’t cross that line…
Venom swings off with Gwen.
VO Peter: He won’t hurt her. I gotta get my suit, and figure out where he’s going.
Peter puts on his suit, and leaves the mask off for a moment.
Ned Leeds Voice on TV: The monster, which has dubbed itself Venom, is holding Gwendolyn Stacy hostage at Oscorp Industries, making it the second time in a week, this monster has taken a hostage, and kept them at an industrial company’s headquarters.
VO Peter: Gotcha’…
Peter puts his mask on, and the camera zooms in on his face.
Officers as stationed outside of Oscorp, waiting for Spider-Man to show up, while they’re keeping an eye on the building. Suddenly, Spider-Man swings into the crowd of onlookers. Wasting no time, he busts through a window on the second story.
VO Spider-Man: Venom knows I hate Osborn, and that he took Gwen’s dad, so what better place for him to take Gwen, than Oscorp.
Venom is waiting in the room for Spider-Man.
Venom: Welcome Parker, welcome.
Spider-Man: Where is she?
Venom: Not telling!
Spider-Man jumps at Venom, and punches him in the stomach. Venom throws him to the ground, and Spider-Man’s Spider-Sense begins buzzing.
A group of guards come out of a door.
Guard: Stop Spider-Man!
VO Spider-Man: Huh? Why aren’t they attacking Venom?!
Spider-Man: Hey, I’m the good guy!
A guard shoots at him, and breaks apart a window behind him.
Spider-Man: Yet they still shoot!
Venom: You like Osborn’s present?
Spider-Man shoots a web at a guard, and sticks to the ceiling. And uses the webbed up guard as a rope-bludgeon, and swings him into the other guards. They all fall down, defeated.
Spider-Man: That’s what I call a Web-Rodeo!
Venom: Funny joke Spider-Man… now die!
Venom jumps up at Spider-Man, and rips the sleeve off of his suit.
Spider-Man: Any closer, and you’ll take my arm.
Spider-Man kicks Venom off the ceiling, and punches him as they fall to the floor. Suddenly, they crash through the floor, and into another room. Goblin-themed items are strewn across the room.
Peter ignores it, and continues to fight Venom. He webs his face, and Venom is temporarily “blinded”.
Venom: WE CAN’T SEE!
Spider-Man: Lemme’ help you out!
Spider-Man swing-kicks Venom in the gut and flies backwards while Spider-Man does a back flip off of him.
Spider-Man: Didn’t help? Sorry, maybe this will!
Spider-Man attempts a flying kick, but Venom grabs his foot, and throws him to the floor. Lying in agony, Peter is picked up once again by Venom, who cracks his back over his knee.
Spider-Man: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh God……………………
Venom: Hahahahahahaha! See, we CAN beat you Parker! And, we’re sure it’s possible, to kill you as well!
Venom picks Spider-Man up again, and punches his stomach in. He punches his face, and throws him against a glider. He smashes into it, and it crashes to the floor.
Spider-Man: Aww……
Venom looks around the room.
Venom: Well Parker, your time just ran out!
Quickly, Peter shoots a web at a pumpkin bomb on a rack, and throws it at Venom. It explodes, and the suit screams in agony.
Eddie: What’s going on?!
The suit comes off of him, and suddenly, the sprinkler system is activated. The symbiote is extinguished of flames, but crawls off to a dark corner.
Eddie: No…
Eddie slumps to the ground on his knees.
Eddie: It loved me… my mother…
He falls over on his side.
Spider-Man: Goodnight… Brock. Maybe I should pass out too, my back feels broken beyond belief.
He looks at the corner.
VO Spider-Man: It’ll die soon enough.
He looks at all the Goblin gear.
VO Spider-Man: I guess the cops will make the connection. Unfortunately, when Osborn is revealed as the Goblin, he’s gonna reveal me as Spider-Man. I’ll worry about that later, I gotta find Gwen, the cops can get Eddie.
Spider-Man jumps through the hole in the ceiling/floor, and runs off. A few seconds later, a wall opens up in the hole, and Doc Ock, Mysterio, and the Green Goblin step out.
Green Goblin: Ock, find the alien.
Doc Ock: Alright.
Doc Ock is holding onto a small tube. He searches around the room for the Symbiote.
Mysterio hold onto a little cube, and he lays it on the ground.
Mysterio: My Illusion-Cube shall make an illusion of that hole in the ceiling.
It covers the hole up, replacing it with a fake floor, and a sign saying, “Walk Around”, as if it were under construction.
An illusion is also casted around the room, making it appear empty.
Mysterio: Just as an extra precaution.
Green Goblin walks over to Eddie.
Green Goblin: Wakey, wakey Eddie.
Eddie stirs.
Eddie: Huh? Oh, Mr. Osborn, is that you?
Green Goblin: Yes, and you’ve done good on our deal. Ock is currently searching for your Symbiote friend, and once you’ve re-bonded, you can be Venom once more. Then together, we’ll all kill Parker, once and for all.
Eddie: Thank you, Mr. Osborn… I’m sorry about the ceiling.
Green Goblin: You shouldn’t be sorry. And my guards, well, I’ll have them dealt with later for their failures.
Doc Ock walks over, a black substance in the tube.
Doc Ock: I’ve retrieved the Symbiote!
Green Goblin: Perfect! Give it to Brock now... we have some special plans for Eddie here. Hahahahahahahhahahahaha!
Spider-Man swings through the broken windows place, with Gwen in his arms. He lands on the ground. He sets her down.
Spider-Man: Alright Gwen… we can’t be together. You almost got killed back there because of me... I don't want that on my conscience.
Gwen: I understand. I’ll wait though. I’ll wait for you…
Spider-Man: I wouldn’t recommend it.
Spider-Man swings off, ignoring some questions random reporters ask.
Random Reporters: Is the creature dead?! What happened to your arm? Do you expect Oscorp to sue?
May's doorbell rings. She stands up from her seat to answer it.
Aunt May: Hello?
Suddenly, gas explodes into her house, and she passes out.
Gwen is walking past all the reporters, sniffling.
VO Gwen: Why does this have to happen to me? I didn't get hurt Peter... so, why can't we be together?
Eddie drops down in front of her.
Gwen: Oh my God! No! Peter just beat you, there's no way-
Eddie: Be quiet for me, will you. It'll make this all a LOT easier!
Eddie suddenly transforms into Venom, and the camera zooms in on him.
Gwen: Ahhhhhhhh!
Peter, without his mask on, is speaking into his phone.
Peter: I just broke her heart right there MJ, but only for one reason... I want us to be back together. I lied to Gwen, and I feel awful about it, but the fact of the matter is that I love you, and I can't stand being apart. I'll be there for you next time. You just have to give me a chance to prove myself.
Mary Jane: Peter, we have to give this time. I don't know whether to believe you or not.
Peter: MJ, I got rid of that suit, the one that screwed me up. I don't have it anymore, I'm safe to be around now. It's just, during my time with Gwen, I realized how much you actually meant to me, and how selfish I was to take it all for granted.
Mary Jane: You... come by my place, we'll talk about this th-
Suddenly, Mary Jane stops talking, and an all too familiar cackle comes over the line.
Green Goblin: Hey Parker! Sorry, Mary Jane can't talk right now. But, she's willing to meet you in a couple of hours she told me.
Peter: Norman... I'm getting so tired of you. I'll find you, wherever you are; and when I do, not only am I going to rescue Mary Jane AGAIN, I'm also gonna perform a repeat of what I did on the bridge, if not worse.
Green Goblin: I love you too! Bye!
The phone goes off, and Peter sets it down.
VO Spider-Man: It ends tonight Osborn. I'm tired of you and your games.
The Green Goblin and Venom walk into Jameson's office.
Jameson: What?! No, not you two! How did you get past security?!
The Green Goblin: Hahaha! Listen to us Jameson; we're not here to harm you, your staff, or your oh-so precious building... instead, we're here to let you in on a little secret: one of your employees is... Spider-Man!
Jameson: No, I'm done listening to you psychos; everytime I do, it always goes wrong. Forget it; Spider-Man is... Spider-Man's a hero. He protects all of us, and we repay him badly... I repay him badly. Spider-Man is-
Green Goblin: Peter Parker.
Jameson looks at the Green Goblin and then Venom.
Jameson: He can't... you're lying!
The Green Goblin walks up to Jameson, clenches his fist around his throat, and holds him up against the wall.
Green Goblin: Nope, afraid I'm not, Jameson. The very man you hate has been on your payroll the past year! All your ranting and ravings about how awful Spider-Man is, and you pay him! That's irony my poor, deluded friend!
Jameson his hacking and coughing, unable to get some air.
Green Goblin: Complications there, Jameson?
The Goblin lets go of Jameson, and he falls to the floor.
Green Goblin: It's simple really... tell the world Spider-Man's true identity. I want that to be your next headline! He's caused me great pain... and it's time his biggest secret gets out.
Jameson stands up.
Jameson: No! I'm not going to do this. You get out of my office now, or so help me God, I'll-
Green Goblin: Ah, I hoped you'd see it my way, Jameson.
The Goblin pulls a pumpkin bomb out of his pocket.
Suddenly, Spider-Man flies through Jameson's window, and into the Green Goblin.
Jameson: PARKER!
VO Spidey: Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag...
Spidey: Osborn, why can't you keep secrets to yourself?! What kind of a friend are you?
Jameson: Osborn? Norman Osborn?!
Venom: Grrrr... Parker, you're ruining everything!
Green Goblin: Brock! * GAH * Meet up with the others; tell them to get rid of the girls.
Venom jumps out the window, and Spider-Man immediately stands up.
Spider-Man: Girls? You can't be serious!
Spider-Man jumps out the window after Venom, and the Green Goblin looks around.
Green Goblin: Oh, don't worry about me... I'll just... I'll take the elevator.
The Green Goblin runs out of Jameson's office, leaving him bewildered.
VO Jameson: Come on Parker... you can do it kid!
Spider-Man tackles Venom is mid-air, and the two crash onto a rooftop.
Spidey: Really Eddie, why can't you just stop?
Venom: You ruined us, Parker! We had it all... then you came along!
Spidey: Eddie, you have to listen to me; I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I don't know what that symbiote has done to your mind, but it's sure a lot worse than what it did to me. You have to fight its control, Brock!
Venom fires a webline at Spider-Man's leg. It attaches, and Venom yanks on it, pulling Spider-Man with it.
Venom: Not a chance, Parker!
Spidey quickly dodges an attack by Venom.
Spidey: Just tell me who “the others” are, and where they're keeping Mary Jane and the other girl.
Venom: They've planned for months about what they're going to do to you... they have some crazy plans for you, Parker. You ruined all of us, and it's only fair they we return the favor.
Spidey: What are you talking about?
Venom: It all starts tonight; we're going to kill the three people you care for the most. You ruined the first part of our plan, but there will always be other times for us to reveal who you are behind that mask.
Spidey: Just tell me where “the others” are!
Spider-Man does a vault over Venom, and kicks him in the back, throwing him to the edge of the building. Spider-Man grabs Venom's head, and smashes it into the edge repeatedly.
Spidey: Tell- me- where- they- ARE!
He lets go of Venom, who slumps to the ground.
Venom: Ahhhhhh... we're done. We never wanted to hurt anyone! The others promised us that the pain would just go away, that we would be accepted rather than pushed away...
Spidey: Brock, one last time; where are they?
Venom: Osborn's mansion... that's where you'll find them... they were going to ambush you at your home when you made it back... if you hurry, you can still catch them.
Spidey: Can I trust you, Brock?
Venom: Parker, we gave up didn't we? Like we said, we didn't want to hurt anyone... we'll turn ourselves in... just leave us alone!
Spider-Man swings off of the rooftop.
Venom stands up, and laughs.
Venom: You're too predictable, Parker.
VO Spidey: I'm probably walking right into a trap, but it's the only lead I've got.
Mary Jane, Aunt May, and Gwen are all inside of the Goblin Lair gas-chamber. The remaining members of the Sinister Six are all watching them.
Doc Ock: Once Osborn gives the word, they die.
Shocker: I'm outta here.
Mysterio: What?! Where are you going?!
Shocker: Boss said nothing about killing girls, only the Parker-kid. Count me out of this...
Shocker walks up to the mirror, when Spider-Man suddenly kicks through it, and it falls on Shocker. He lands in front of Doc Ock and Mysterio,
Spidey: Wow, two d-list super-villains to beat? This will be fun...
Spider-Man launches himself at Mysterio, but phases through him.
Spidey: More tricks, eh Mysterio? I've changed a bit since our last fight, as you'll soon notice.
Doc Ock, throws his arms at Spider-Man, smashing him in all directions.
Spidey: You've gotten weaker, Ock. Believe it or not, I've gotten stronger.
Spider-Man launches an uppercut to Ock's jaw, and knocks him out cold.
Spidey: Spider-strength AND agility beat a fish-out-of-water any day, Octavius. Behind those arms, you're just as weak as-
Spider-Man punches behind him just as Mysterio appears.
Spidey: - Mysterio.
Mysterio falls down, defeated as well.
Spidey: Like I said, “d-list”.
Spider-Man turns towards the three girls. He looks down at the control panel, presses a button, and the door to the gas-chamber opens up. The three run out, and to Spider-Man.
Aunt May: Is... is it true?
Spidey: So you've heard too? My secrets been compromised I'd say...
Mary Jane: Peter, you have to get out there! You have to stop them!
Spidey: Norman... aw man... listen. I have to end this; if I allow Norman Osborn to continue walking around this planet, I know that hundreds are going to die... maybe thousands... maybe...
Aunt May: No, you can't do that Peter. That's not how I raised you! I don't care who it is, you cannot take the life of another human being.
Spidey: I'm afraid this isn't up to you, Aunt May. And besides; the Peter Parker you raised disappeared the night he let Uncle Ben die. I'm Spider-Man now; not Peter Parker. Get out of this place; go to the police. Just stay away from anywhere you're familiar with.
Mary Jane: Where are you going?
Spidey: To the people I know who can help; S.H.I.E.L.D.
Peter pulls out the S.H.I.E.L.D. Portal he was given.
VO Peter: Time to put this baby to good use...
Peter throws the device to the floor, and a blue portal shoots up. He steps through it, and the portal disappears.
The portal appears in Fury's office, and Peter steps through it.
Fury: Ah, so you finally decided you could use our help, huh?
Peter: We don't have time Fury! Osborn's planning something big, I know it. He tried to show that he's willing to kill those I love just to weaken me. If I don't stop him tonight, this is all a lost cause. If he gets publicly exposed and locked up, he'll just break out again and again, all to stop me. Also, my identities been compromised... he-
Fury: I know, I saw the whole thing. We've been keeping tabs on the Sinister Six this-
Peter: The Sinister Six?
Fury: They've been planning a long time Peter... we had no idea what they were planning about though.
Peter: You've known this whole time and you never... ah, forget it. Listen, I can't take on Osborn single-handedly.
Fury: Why's that?
Peter: Because of his son. I know Harry is going to be there with Norman, wherever he is.
Fury: Well, you're in luck. Besides, I needed to see you anyway.
Peter: What for?
Fury talks into an intercom on his desk.
Fury: Let them in.
Suddenly, the door opens, and Captain America, Iron Man, and Wolverine step through.
Peter: No... way...
Fury: Boys, this is the newest recruit.
Peter: For what?
Fury: Peter Parker, we would like you to join the ranks of The Avengers.
Norman and Harry walk around the warehouse.
Norman: Son, you know why I chose this place to stage our final confrontation with Parker?
Venom steps out from the shadows.
Venom: We know, Mr. Osborn.
Norman: Ah, good Brock. Why is it that I have us holed up inside this secluded area for a duel to the death with Parker then?
Venom: This is the same place he followed his uncle's killer to. The killer you hired.
Norman: Very good, Brock! And knowing Parker, he's going to be arriving any second now!
Harry: Dad, this doesn't feel right... we're- you're going to far with all of this.
Norman: Shut it Harry. You promised me I'd have nothing to worry about when the time to kill Parker came. That time is now upon us, and I plan to act on it.
Harry: You don't understand...
Suddenly, The Avengers crash through the roof to the warehouse, and land in front of the trio.
Spider-Man spots Venom.
Spider-Man: Eddie, why am I NOT surprised that you decided to betray me?
Venom: We like being bad Parker! You thought you had us all figured out; nice guys always finish last.
Iron Man, wasting no time, blasts a plasma beam from his fist at Venom.
Iron Man: Did we come here to chat, or to fight?
Wolverine: For once, I agree with you, Shell-Head.
Wolverine unsheathes his claws, and lunges at Venom, striking him with the claws.
Iron Man and Wolverine both spend their time attacking Venom, while Captain America and Spidey approach the Osborns.
Norman: Hahahaha! To defeat me, you had to bring in some back-up, eh Parker? Having your older brothers watch your back?
Spidey: Actually Osborn, you are being considered a terrorist to the United States of America, therefore the U.S. Military deemed it necessary to send in a group of meta-humans to defeat you... but if you want to put it your way, I guess that's fine.
Norman: A terrorist? That sure is a popular word these days, isn't it?
Norman throws a pumpkin-bomb at the two, but they dodge it.
Captain America: Stand down while you can. Lady Liberty will not-
Norman: Do you ALWAYS ramble like that?
Norman's glider suddenly comes flying into the fray, and he jumps on board.
Norman: Harry, take care of those two, that way I can-
Harry: No, dad.
Norman lands in front of them again.
Norman: Oh no, we're not doing this now you worthless excuse for an Osborn. You're going to do as I say, EXACTLY when I say it, is that understood?
Harry throws a hook at Norman's mouth, causing him to stumble backwards.
Harry: Shut... the hell... up.
Spidey: There you go, Norman. Even your own son wants nothing to do with you. You have no power over anybody; just stand down.
Norman: I've worked too hard to fail now! You're going to die Parker, and it's going to be TONIGHT!!!
Norman takes off on the glider again, and swings it towards Peter, spikes drawn. Just as he's about to hit Peter, he jumps out of the way, and Norman runs it straight into a wall. It breaks, and Norman falls to the ground. He doesn't move.
Spidey: Wow, knocked himself out... it seems like he does that a lot...
The three turn their attention towards Venom, Iron Man, and Wolverine.
Iron Man: Hey, we could use some help over he- agh!
Iron Man falls down.
Wolverine kicks Venom in the chest, causing him to fly backwards. Wolverine checks on Iron Man.
Wolverine: Aw shit... Tony needs to get out of here, now! His pacemakers damaged!
Captain America steps forward.
Captain America: I'll get Stark back to the Helicarrier; you three take care of Venom.
Captain America picks Iron Man up, and runs towards the exit.
Iron Man: Give him one for me!
Spidey: Will do Iron Man.
Venom stands back up, and focuses on the remaining three heroes.
Venom: Ah, we're going to enjoy this! He shoots a web at Harry, and it sticks him to some boxes.
Harry: Get me out of this!
Spidey: Hold on Harry! This shouldn't take long!
Venom: What now, Parker? No loud noises, no fiery explosions... face it, we have you beat!
Venom lunges at Wolverine, pinning him to the ground. He punches away at Wolverine's face. Wolverine throws him off, and Venom flips onto the floor.
Spider-Man quickly web-yanks the stunned Venom towards him. Regaining his focus, Venom back-flip kicks Spidey in the face, and Spider-Man flies into the air, coming down hard.
Venom focuses on Wolverine once more.
Wolverine: Come on bub, I got all night!
Venom: So do we...
Wolverine slashes at Venom's chest to no avail. Venom grabs Wolverine's head, and quickly snaps his neck. Wolverine falls to the floor.
Spider-Man: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You sick son of a-
Venom grabs hold of the trapped Harry.
Venom: One more move, and we kill him.
Suddenly, the Green Goblin stands back up, a pumpkin bomb in his hand.
Green Goblin: Hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!
He lobs the pumpkin bomb at the box, and it bounces off, right by Venom's leg.
Venom: Wait, what in the hell?!
The bomb explodes, and the Symbiote is ripped from Eddie. Eddie's body flies into a wall, and he lies down, motionless. The explosion rips the webs from Harry, and causes him to flip over the boxes.
Spidey: HARRY!
Spider-Man pulls his own mask off.
Peter: Is this what you want, Osborn? Look at me, now! You'll kill your own son just to get to me?! You... it's over.
The Green Goblin removes his mask as well.
Norman: Good idea Parker; now I can look into your eyes as you die, and you can look into mine as you slowly fade away!
Peter: I've had enough!
Spidey swings towards Norman, performing a swing-kick, knocking Norman off his feet. Spider-Man lets go of the web-line, and lands feet first onto Norman's stomach.
Norman: I'm disappointed.
Norman throws Peter off of him, and stands up.
Norman: Maybe once you're dead, I'll let your friends live... that way they'll be caused pain in knowing the very man they loved is dead at the hands of the Green Goblin!
Peter: So what's your big plan Osborn? From our first meeting, to your breaking into my apartment, then the bridge incident, and now... what was it all for? You killed Uncle Ben and George Stacy just to get to me? You took two wonderful people from this world, just to get rid of me?
Norman: It goes beyond that, Parker.
Peter: Beyond what, Osborn?! I was bitten by your stupid spider, so now I have to suffer all of this?! You get to kill everyone I care for just because of that spider?!
Norman: Parker, we're two sides of the same coin. Once one side is gone, the other evolves, taking up that remaining space.
Peter: You are absolutely insane, aren't you? I can't believe it took me this long to realize it... you are COMPLETELY insane.
Norman: This whole time, Parker, I've been preparing you. You are going to end my life tonight, and you are then going to continue the Goblin Legacy.
Peter: Wow... it was all leading up to this. My whole life as Spider-Man, leading up to this. From the night Uncle Ben was taken from me, to right now, you've planned for me to take up your mantle this whole entire time? You are so stupid, Norman.
Spider-Man sprints towards Norman, punching him in the chest. Norman flies backwards.
Peter: How on Earth did you ever expect that I'd go through with all of this?
Norman: It's written, Parker. It's your destiny... you were the son I always wanted, and never got.
Peter: Just shut it, Osborn. Oh God, none of this makes sense at all... you knew I was Spider-Man this whole time, why did it take you months to attack me personally?
Norman: I wasn't always the Green Goblin, Parker. The moment that persona entered my life... I honestly forgot all about you. All I saw was Spider-Man; never Peter Parker. I had to put it all together; I had to solve a mystery I already knew the answer to.
Peter: ...what? You know what, Iron Man was right; I talk waaaaaaaay too much to the villains.
Spidey shoots a web at Norman, and web-yanks him towards him.
Norman: Hahahahahahahahahaha! Do it Parker! Kill me! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Peter: No, no I won't.
Norman: Just imagine your Aunt May. All lonely, her husband, your uncle, no longer there to take care of her. But then, I emerge on the scene, ending her life, putting her out of her pain! Oh, such happy thoughts! Then Gwen Stacy; she misses that pathetic excuse of a man she calls her father... so sad. Mary Jane... all she wants is somebody to hold her, and take care of her. But you can't even do that. My own Harry; look how he turned out. No good. But you Peter. You've become a very happy man, haven't you? Making those around you feel bad so you can feel good inside? Did I tell you how much your uncle screamed that night?
Peter: Shut up, Osborn.
Norman: Hahahahaha! It was one little detail I left out; Carradine DIDN'T kill your Uncle Ben... hahahahahaha! It was me!!!
Peter: Stop it, stop lying!
Norman: Carradine was just my back-up, to keep the cops away. But oh, did your uncle scream when he saw the two of us! He sounded like a little girl, crying for her parents when she's lost! Begging for his life, begging for us to leave him alone... hahahahahha! I didn't end his pain quickly though; I made him suffer. I made him feel pain! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Suddenly, Peter throws Norman at his broken glider. Norman is impaled on the spikes, but continues laughing.
Peter lunges at Norman, breaks one of the spikes off, and stabs it through Norman's head. He pulls it out, and repeatedly stabs Norman.
Norman stops laughing. Peter drops the spike. He looks at Norman who's covered in blood.
Peter drops down to his knees. VO Aunt May: What have you done, Peter?! You killed that man!
VO Peter: I'm not the boy you raised, Aunt May. I've changed; nobody can stop me.
Peter stands up, and walks over to Harry.
Harry is lying on the ground, and he lifts himself up slightly when he sees Peter walking towards him.
Peter: I did what had to be done Harry.
Harry: I know you did... I know.
Peter: You're gonna be alright buddy.
Harry: Hopefully... I got just a little shrapnel in me... from that pumpkin bomb. Nothing too serious I guess.
Peter: Harry, you're going to be fine. You don't have to use sarcasm.
Harry: Peter, don't lie to me. I'm going to die, right here in this warehouse. Tonight.
Peter: No, no you're not.
Harry: I was such an ass... not just to you, but to everyone. God, I should have never let this happen. I've ruined everything. My father ruined everything.
Peter: No you didn't. None of this is your fault. I'm going to help you Harry.
Harry: I'm so sorry about all of this... we've been best friends since the 1st grade, and now this... I'm sorry, Peter. You're still my best friend; hell, you're my brother. I'm gonna miss you...
Peter: Harry, you're going to be alright! Stop talking like that!
Harry: No, Peter...
Harry's voice fades.
Harry: No... I'm not...
Harry goes limp.
Peter: Harry? Harry?! HARRY?!
Peter drops down. He begins to whimper.
Peter: Goodbye... Harry Osborn.
Peter stands up. He looks over at Norman's bloodied body. Suddenly, Wolverine stands back up, and pops his neck.
Wolverine: Damn, fella knows how to mess with a guy's neck!
Peter: Wolverine? I thought you were dead...?
Wolverine: From that? Hell, I've walked around as just a skeleton a time or two... that was NOTHING compared to what I've been through.
Wolverine notices Norman and Harry.
Wolverine: You get carried away?
He points at Norman's body.
Peter: He deserved it, Wolverine.
Wolverine: Hmmmmm... I suppose he did. Well, I'm gonna get going. Cops normally don't treat mutants well. I guess I'll meet you back at the Helicarrier... bub.
Wolverine walks towards the exit.
VO Peter: That night taught me many things... ending Norman's life like that... it was something that had to be done, and I don't regret my decision at all. But, in doing so, I learned something. Norman was a threat to the beginning; I've learned that such threats can't be treated lightly.
Peter is shown on the Helicarrier, shaking his head at Nick Fury. He then leaves the room.
VO Peter: “With great power, comes great responsibility”... pretty words... but what do they mean? Anything? They did; but then I realized something. My actions are never well-received. Besides, I put away one villain, the city still hates me, and then that same villain is out of jail the very next day. I've made no difference in this world.
Peter is then seen speaking to Mary Jane inside of his apartment, and the two embrace.
VO Peter: I turned down Fury's offer to become an Avenger. I'm just not cut out for it. I even made a bigger decision; Mary Jane supported it. At least she acted like she did. I can't say the same for Aunt May... but, Mary Jane and I are happy. I can finally live my life with her. We're actually going to get married soon. We don't have everything worked out yet, but...
Peter is then shown speaking with Jameson.
VO Peter: Jonah was a little disappointed that I didn't tell him my secret from the beginning... he swears that he would've gone a different way with the whole “Spider-Man's a menace” stuff, but for some reason I don't really believe that.
The Chameleon and Kraven the Hunter are shown being loaded into a police truck.
VO Peter: Oh, and I even found out what happened to Doctor Connors! Turns out, Kraven the Hunter's half-brother, some psycho named “The Chameleon”, replaced Connors at ESU, and posed as him ever since Connors second “Lizard” problem.
The Hobgoblin and Carnage then appear on the screen.
VO Peter: Osborn and Venom apparently even had followers! Some guy calling himself the Hobgoblin found all of the Green Goblin's gear, and went around the city using all of it... then, scientists somehow created a modified clone of Venom... I'm not sure why they would want to, but they did. It went on a rampage, and killed a bunch of people. And I mean a BUNCH. If I hadn't been there to destroy it... I don't know what would have happened.
Another shot depicts Scorpion.
VO Peter: It even turned out, that Scorpion survived his whole “George Washington Bridge” drowning thing... Rhino didn't though... I kinda feel sorry for him. That makes three lives I've taken; Rhino, Sandman, and Norman.
Wilson Fisk then appears.
VO Peter: But here's something you'll NEVER believe; Wilson Fisk got elected as mayor of New York City, and everything was fine. Then, he got exposed as some crimeboss calling himself the “Kingpin”... talk about crazy!
Peter looks at his Uncle’s gravestone.
Peter: But hey, nothing much has happened besides that... poor Harry didn't make it that night I killed Osborn. It's been a crazy four years Uncle Ben... seriously, absolutely crazy. Everything's wound down though. Which is why... well, I don't know how to put this easily... Uncle Ben, I've decided I'm done being Spider-Man. It turns out, I actually had nothing at all to do with... this. It was fun though, using my power responsibly. But, now I've decided that... I don't want to use my powers, at ALL. I'm going to make a life with Mary Jane, raise a kid or two, live my life... but thank you for the words, Uncle Ben. I made it through my life as Spider-Man by living by them, and it worked. The truth of the matter, though, is that this city's become overly-populated with heroes. You find one on every street; it's amazing that this city has become filled with good samaritans, right? But, they exist, so really, my efforts are pointless now. Crime's at an all-time low, and it's not even because of me. Crazy, huh? Well, bye Uncle Ben. Peter Parker can now fully enjoy his life. I'm Spider-Man, no more.