Sunday, June 27, 2010

Site Re-Working

Once I start to get some promotional videos up and everything, I'll be adding new photos to this site (this is aimed at the giant picture above this post).

Saturday, June 26, 2010

LSMS Returning

I decided that, even though the LEGO Spidey show that I'll be making is NOT the same as this one, I'll still be using the same name and site for it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm Back

I have absolutely no faith in anybody reading this. BUT, if by some, slim, SLIM chance one of you guys happens to come across this, I want you to know SM3VENOM is back. While I may have a new channel, and won't be continuing LSMS, you should probably expect something similar to it. I regret having stopped the show and deleting my channel, but it's too late now. But not to start anew.