Monday, June 9, 2008

Episode 21: Shorter Than I Thought

Episode 20 pretty much makes Episode 21, extremely short. Episode 21 will be like my original episodes, instead of the new ones you're used to seeing; it will be about 4-5 minutes long. It also introduces Venom, although I didn't want him to first appear until Tangled Web; but it all works out. Episode 21 is mainly all about Eddie Brock. You only see Peter a few times, but the main story focuses around Eddie (although, it's very short, like I said). The show will be getting more Batman-esque with the newer episodes, so if you don't like that sort of thing, then I guess you won't like the new episodes.


aliendude122 said...

ah well.doesn't matter how short they are,there still really good.hey sm3venom,i have a question for you that has nothing to do with anything,please dont call me a freak,but do you believe in aliens?

aliendude122 said...

you ought yo have toxin in your series...son of carnage

SM3VENOM said...

Thanks! I'm not going to have Toxin in the series, because I never really liked his character, and I sure don't know enough abouot him. And actually, yes, I do believe in aliens. Not the kind you see in movies and everything, but aliens.

aliendude122 said...

cool.hey,if your not motivated to make a episode,enter mountain productions lego movie contest.ive watched your videos since day got me motivated to make movies.i just started today on a marvel action figure one.ill do lego spiderman in about a year or so when i get a video camera.i cant join youtube because the email thing.mine doesnt work.
k,i should shut up now :)

p.s.i asked because i have an alien blog and a spiderstick blog.

aliendude122 said... on you tube now.username is aliendude122.