Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Darkness Being Kept in the Darkness?

As you all should know, I've been trying everything to get The Darkness on YouTube (and I mean, EVERYTHING), but I just can't get it saved into the correct WMV format, to get ti uploaded. Sadly, Windows Movie Maker (the program I use), has even given up on me, no longer working. This either means that I will hopefully get the problem fixed soon, or we'll just have to wait until I can get my laptop (which unfortunately, is at the END of the year). However, if I do end up having to go with the second option, it would actually work, as Season 2 really shouldn't have started until the end of 2008 (I began it just a month after Season 1 ended, which they're called seasons, because there is one per year, but I just did TWO in a year...). All I can say, is that the new episode turned out great, and I think everybody will enjoy it (except for the guy who has no life, and always chooses answers like, "This sucks!", on my polls, and I think I know who it is... but anyway, this will be a Turning Point for the series; very epic, very ground-breaking, so I know you'll enjoy it immensely!

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